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Zhuldyz Utegenova

Annotation.Innovative and technological modernization of branches of economy is a basis for formation and realization of strategy of innovative break without which existence of the civilized competitive state is impossible now. Rates and efficiency of development of the innovative sphere depend on the pursued investment policy which has to provide the conditions favoring to innovative development. Creation of the infrastructure favorable for functioning of the innovative sphere can be the best way of stimulation of innovations.

In article experience innovative development of the enterprises of the production sphere of Kazakhstan, Russia and Georgia is considered, conclusions according to the carried-out comparative analysis are drawn.

Keywords: innovative development, enterprises, production sphere, stimulation of innovations.

The role of innovations considerably increased in modern economy. Without application of innovations it is almost impossible to create the competitive production having high degree of knowledge intensity and novelty. Thus, in market economy of an innovation represent an effective remedy of competitive fight as lead to creation of new requirements, to decrease in product cost, to inflow of investments, to increase in image of the producer of new products, to opening and capture of the new markets including external.

In the conditions of globalization of the market relations, the role of the scientific and technical progress (STP) in ensuring competitiveness of national economies therefore the accelerated development and support of innovative sphere of action gets a strategic importance constantly increases. The innovation is understood as process from emergence and development of the initial idea to creation of new products, services and technologies or their improvement with ensuring legal protection of author's rights, with the subsequent creation of a prototype or model, confirming their practical expediency. Further transition to industrial production, demanded by the market and to receiving the expected profit on sale of this production is called process of commercialization of innovations. Only timely financing in combination with the effective management accompanied with the first-class technical consultation is provided by certain opportunities for implementation of the most perspective innovative projects and the knowledge-intensive developments demanding several years of hard work for successful commercialization which provides satisfaction of market demand within a uniform scientific and reproduction cycle. The continuity and coherence of these kinds of activity depends on the level of integration of science, education, production and the market.Success of innovative activity depends on the general economic situation in the country and the state scientific and technical strategy, on full resource providing, market condition, professionalism of experts and effective management. Innovative process is carried out on the following stages: search of the ideas of new products and services; preliminary selection of the most perspective ideas; search of the investor; carrying out research and development and development of a new product or service; protection of author's rights; production of a product or service; check of their competitiveness; advance of new products or services on the markets. Only existence of the developed innovative infrastructure provides effective realization of all stages of innovative process up to successful commercialization of developments. In this regard we consider expedient, to carry out the analysis of innovative development of the enterprises of the production sphere of Kazakhstan, Russia and Georgia.

One of the main factors of effective functioning of economy in modern conditions is the forced modernization and development of innovations. For Kazakhstan diversification and increase in competitiveness of economy - a complex challenge, the leading domestic economists note if to consider the degraded condition of processing industry and agricultural industry, scientific and technical potential, extremely low level of all infrastructure system and quality of service. The country should not just organize production of new types of production, to undertake measures for increase in their quality and reduction of prices, and to radically modernize all economy in general [1, p. 155].

In the Republic of Kazakhstan the policy directed to increase in innovation of national economy is implemented by means of the Strategy industrially-innovatsionnogo of development for 2003-2015. Today quality of innovative policy is maintained by the large-scale regulatory base: The law on science RK, the Patent law, Standard of innovative activity of RK, the Program of innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law on innovative activity in the Republic, etc. Within "The program of the forced industrial and innovative development" seven main directions of industrial and innovative development are defined: Agrarian and industrial complex and agricultural-processing, building industry, oil processing, metallurgy, chemical industry and pharmaceutics, power, transport and telecommunication infrastructures [2].

All innovative processes in Kazakhstan are initiated by the state and to a lesser extent innovations take root at the initiative of business. Today forms of realization of public administration are strategic programs, legal, institutional and infrastructure support of innovative activity.

Industrialization on the basis of innovations became a new valuable reference point of the Kazakhstan society [3]. Kazakhstan has such strategic factor of economic growth and strengthening of competitiveness as considerable scientific and educational potential. It is possible to involve it in market economy only through innovations which are the channel of the embodiment in life of achievements of human intelligence, scientific and technical results. Without innovations in modern economy not to solve any radical problem.

Today the Republic of Kazakhstan is faced by the difficult, but feasible purpose - providing permanent steady progress which prepotent problems is the following: an assekuration of worthy welfare of the population, the statement of a geopolitical role of the state as one of the global world leaders determining the course of worldwide policy. On a formula of progress of the advanced economies [4] the most effective reception of achievement of these is more whole transformation of economy on innovative model of development is. Behind all that the world economic crisis of 2014 aggravated execution of objectives to this day, led to decrease in rates of development of enterprise business community and in general aggravated the existing shortcomings and weaknesses of national innovative system. At present time, namely in the 1st third of the 21st century, in our country innovative development is made in the field of the equipment and technology, it is carried out generally at the enterprises connected with real production sector. Initially it belongs to many-sided industries which represent the main consumers of modern technical and technological innovations.

For improvement of sustainable development of Kazakhstan on the basis of diversification and modernization of economy the accurate objects and the tasks of transition from raw economy to the economy based on knowledge due to use of the income from the oil-extracting, gas and mining industries are set [5]. More and more significant emphasis in Kazakhstan is placed on an innovation, the country seeks for development of scientific technological capabilities and for close integration of science and an entrepreneurial activity.

Kazakhstan concentrated considerable efforts on activization of innovative activity as the means allowing to accelerate economic development and to diversify economy. Initiatives are directed to improvement of components of national innovative system, in particular, on creation of the state institutes of support of innovative activity. The attention was also focused on increase in productivity of the companies, regional features of innovative system and demand for innovations. However, despite the political decisions supported by some program documents, practical actions were concentrated generally on improvement of institutional support [6].

Existence of the richest natural resources and stable economic policy caused creation of favorable investment climate in the country and as result, rapid development of the national extracting and processing industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the same time owing to objective and subjective the reasons the structure of the industry of the republic appeared strongly deformed and does not correspond to structure of final public requirements that led to considerable lag of production of the final products; still specific weight of the extracting branches is considerable, there are no many types of processing industries, etc.

Significant growth in a share of mining industry in relation to the economy overworking in structure, was led to one-sided development of national economy and as a result decrease in competitiveness of the Kazakhstan economy. Whereas, mining industry has to form a basis for development of other sectors of economy and to ensuring macroeconomic stability and modernization of economy.

Studying international experience, state regulation of development of the industry results in positive economic results. However policy of the state should not be directed to influence as ultimate consumers, by increase in demand stimulation as well ensuring development of potential of the domestic industry. Despite presence of potential at domestic processing industry for saturation of domestic market of domestic competitive production, share of goods, works and services of the Kazakhstan origin is much lower than imporktiruyemy [6].

Rather, if to consider experience of Russia, specifics of development of the Russian economy now and the complex of the problems which are slowing down distribution of innovations significantly strengthen a role of the state in regulation of innovative processes in the industry. The tools of state regulation of innovative processes used in developed countries are very various and combine institutional methods with financial support of innovative activity, mainly basic researches. In modern conditions the role of the state considerably increases in development of the innovative sphere in Russia as during the deformation processes accompanying transformation of socialist economy in market the branch science considerably suffered and the motivation of business structures to innovative activity is extremely weak. The direction where the state support is especially necessary, is a creation of financial conditions for innovative activity. Only at their providing the investment fund can become the effective instrument of the state support of development of the innovative sphere.

Essential obstacle for the sustainable and balanced development of the country are the disproportions which arose in the 1990s and aggravated now in functioning of branches and regions. Orientation to a raw component of economic potential led those regions in which the processing industry prevails to degradation. Restoration on an innovative basis of industrial capacity of the processing branches is an indispensable condition of social and economic development of regions. Investments into innovative and technological development of industrial sector have to be a priority of public policy. Effective functioning of the enterprises of the processing branches will create prerequisites for development of scientific and educational potential, employment of the population and replenishment of the budget of depressive regions [7].

Concerning Georgia, for today innovative activity in economy of Georgia at a low level, is not created and the innovative infrastructure providing a particular treatment for innovations that it is generally connected with shortage of own and raised funds at the enterprises, a lack of both the budgetary, and off-budget sources of financing, etc. is not developed.

Having become on the way of market reforms, Georgia was not ready to work in new conditions of the innovative sphere because there was no corresponding experience and the relevant structures for this activity. Process of formation and requirements of the market is lagged behind by production of innovative production. There are problems of legal and organizational character, the market of scientific and technical products and its corresponding infrastructure (special banks, innovative funds, consulting, leasing, venture forms, scientific and technological parks, etc.) is not created without which the enterprises will not provide sharp improvement of innovative activity [8].

Complete idea of innovative activity in this or that country creates the specific weight of the innovative enterprises and innovative products in the whole output or in structure of foreign trade. For example, the revenue of the innovation-active organizations – innovative leaders of the modern world makes 83%, the specific weight of hi-tech production in export of industrial output – 20%, the specific weight of innovative production in revenue – is more than 16%, and more than a half all working [9] are employed in the innovative organizations.

By the beginning of 2015 from 3% existing in the country to 4 thousand small enterprises only were engaged in innovative activity. It is necessary to consider that circumstance that small enterprises by the opportunities are limited in money because of what it is not possible to invest money in the new equipment, technologies, marketing, production expansion, etc.

Overcoming difficulties requires purposeful studying of innovative policy of developed countries its application taking into account features of the country. All this will promote activization of the innovative sphere. In the countries where actively invest in innovations and technologies rapid economic growth is observed that is the most important component of economic development.

For the solution of the main objectives facing the country, strengthening of a role of innovative technology factor the government of Georgia carries out active capital investments and pays much attention to development of innovations and technologies in the country. The innovative agency where the projects concerning development of innovative infrastructure are developed is founded laboratories on the basis of universities open, the special programs of retraining directed to increase in skills are carried out. In Georgia the technological park is open, there passes the Startup Georgia program. All this demonstrates that in 2015-2016g.g. positions of Georgia in ratings will improve.

Thus, innovative development is long process and demands purposeful policy and strategy. In the conditions of limited financial opportunities most the companies for financing of the current requirements of production address the main financial resources less opportunity remains on their use for implementation of innovative projects.

Efficiency of implementation of the innovative program at all levels will be estimated, proceeding from compliance of the received results to the pursued purposes. The received results will be defined not so much by efficiency of the realized projects which brought a certain progress at the microlevel, how many efficiency of interaction of subjects of innovative activity in the course of implementation of the regional program and intensity of involvement in innovative activity of the greatest number of participants. In turn, experience of the successful countries in innovative development will serve as some kind of reference point in further improvement of the innovative sphere of the countries considered in work.


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